
Eleventy Documentation

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Documentation Pages


To iterate over a data set and create pages for individual chunks of data, use pagination. Enable in your template’s front matter by adding the pagination key. Consider this Nunjucks template:

  data: testdata
  size: 2
 - item1
 - item2
 - item3
 - item4
<ol>{% for item in pagination.items %}<li>{{ item }}</li>{% endfor %}</ol>

We enable pagination and then give it a dataset with the data key. We control the number of items in each chunk with size. The pagination data variable will be populated with what you need to create each template. Here’s what’s in pagination:

  items: [], // current page’s chunk of data
  pageNumber: 0, // current page number, 0 indexed
  nextPageLink: "", // put inside <a href="">Next Page</a>
  previousPageLink: "", // put inside <a href="">Previous Page</a>
  pageLinks: [], // all page links
  data: "", // pointer to dataset
  size: 1, // chunk sizes

If the above file were named paged.njk, it would create two pages: _site/paged/0/index.html and _site/paged/1/index.html. These output paths are configurable with permalink (see below).

Paginate a global or local data file

Read more about Template Data Files. The only change here is that you point your data pagination key to the global or local data instead of data in the front matter. For example, consider the following globalDataSet.json file in your global data directory.

  myData: [

Your front matter would look like this:

  data: globalDataSet.myData
  size: 1
<ol>{% for item in pagination.items %}<li>{{ item }}</li>{% endfor %}</ol>

Pagination variables also work here. Here’s an example of a permalink using the pagination page number:

permalink: different/page-{{ pagination.pageNumber }}/index.html

Writes to _site/different/page-0/index.html, _site/different/page-1/index.html, et cetera.

That means Nunjucks will also let you start your page numbers with 1 instead of 0, by just adding 1 here:

permalink: different/page-{{ pagination.pageNumber + 1 }}/index.html

Writes to _site/different/page-1/index.html, _site/different/page-2/index.html, et cetera.

You can do more advanced things like this:

  data: testdata
  size: 1
  - My Item
permalink: different/{{ pagination.items[0] | slug }}/index.html

Using a universal slug filter (transforms My Item to my-item), this outputs: _site/different/my-item/index.html.

Aliasing pagination items to a different variable

Ok, so pagination.items[0] is ugly. We provide an option to alias this to something different.

  data: testdata
  size: 1
  alias: wonder
  - Item1
  - Item2
permalink: different/{{ wonder | slug }}/index.html
You can use the alias in your content too {{ wonder }}.

This writes to _site/different/item1/index.html and _site/different/item2/index.html.

If your chunk size is greater than 1, the alias will be an array instead of a single value.

  data: testdata
  size: 2
  alias: wonder
  - Item1
  - Item2
  - Item3
  - Item4
permalink: different/{{ wonder[0] | slug }}/index.html
You can use the alias in your content too {{ wonder[0] }}.

This writes to _site/different/item1/index.html and _site/different/item3/index.html.