
Eleventy Documentation

⚠️ This documentation is for an older version. Go to the newest Eleventy docs or check out the full release history.

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Pass-through File Copy

(New in Eleventy v0.2.7) Eleventy, by default, searches for any file in the input directory with an extension listed in the templateFormats configuration option. That means if you’ve listed njk in your templateFormats, we’ll look for any Nunjucks templates (files with the .njk file extension).

If you list a format in the templateFormats array that isn’t a valid template, it’ll throw an error. Enabling passthroughFileCopy in your configuration changes this behavior. Setting passthroughFileCopy: true will copy unknown files directly to your output directory without modification.

// .eleventy.js
module.exports = {
templateFormats: [
passthroughFileCopy: true

Although png is not a recognized Eleventy template, Eleventy will now search for any *.png files inside of the input directory and copy them to output (keeping directory structure).

Manual Passthrough Copy (Faster)

(New in Eleventy v0.2.14) Searching the entire directory structure for files to copy based on file extensions is not optimal with large directory structures. If we know what non-template static content we want to appear in our output, we can opt-in to specify files or directories for Eleventy to copy for you. This will probably speed up your build times. These entries are relative to your the root of your project and not your eleventy input directory.

// .eleventy.js
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
// use a subdirectory, it’ll copy using the same directory structure.
return {
templateFormats: [
passthroughFileCopy: true