
Eleventy Documentation

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Quick Tip #001—Inline Minified CSS


npm install clean-css to make the CSS minifier available in your project.


Add the following cssmin filter to your Eleventy Config file:

const CleanCSS = require("clean-css");
module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addFilter("cssmin", function(code) {
return new CleanCSS({}).minify(code).styles;

Create your CSS File

Add a sample CSS file to your _includes directory. Let’s call it sample.css.

body {
font-family: fantasy;

Capture and Minify

Capture the CSS into a variable and run it through the filter (this sample is using Nunjucks syntax)

<!-- capture the CSS content as a Nunjucks variable -->
{% set css %}{% include "sample.css" %}{% endset %}
<!-- feed it through our cssmin filter to minify -->
<style>{{ css | cssmin | safe }}</style>

Originally posted on The Simplest Web Site That Could Possible Work Well on zachleat.com

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